Sunday, 2 December 2012

Holiday Potluck and Yankee Swap: This Friday!

Come share the joy with the Instructional Systems community this Friday (December 7), 12-1, in the Morgan Studio.

We'll have a Holiday Potluck and Yankee Swap!

Potluck: Please bring something to share (finger food? sweet treat? your specialty?). The program will supply drinks, plates, napkins, etc.

Also, we will be having a Yankee swap. For those who want to participate please bring a small/ gift wrapped up. The gift can be something from your house you no longer want or need (a book, decoration, or whatever) or you can purchase something (please keep it less than $5). We will put all the gifts on a table and play a game. Everyone who brought a gift will receive a gift.

Please come socialize whether or not you plan to participate in the Yankee Swap.


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Transformation Through Teaching Recognition: Dr. Darabi

Let's congratulate our faculty member, Dr. Abbas "Aubteen" Darabi, who was honored for his transformational role in his students’ academic life and was hosted by President Barron at dinner on November 5, 2012.

FSU not only focuses on intellectual development, but as a community of moral discourse it also recognizes the need for the development of the whole person. The Spiritual Life Project fosters students’ search for meaning, purpose, and authenticity in life, deepens their self-understanding, broadens their awareness of diverse perspectives and themselves as global citizens, and develops a sense of commitment to higher ideals.

 Transformation Through Teaching is a program established through the Spiritual Life Project, and supported by the Division of Student Affairs, to honor full-time faculty that have had an intellectual, inspirational, and integrative impact on the lives of their students.

 In the program’s second year sixteen faculty were selected on the basis of the students’ compelling nomination by the Spiritual Life Project and the Office of Faculty Recognition. Selected faculty, along with their nominating student attended dinner at The President’s House and continued the conversation about how we all can create a campus culture that encourages meaning and purpose in academic pursuits.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Seminar this Friday - Two Fantastic Sessions

Welcome back from the long weekend! This Friday we will have two seminars. Both will be located in the Morgan Studio. I hope you will be able to attend both because they are TRULY going to be fantastic sessions.

1. Lee Rainie, Director of Pew Internet & American Life Project. 10:30-11:30

Lee will be joining us virtually to talk about his new book (with Barry Wellman), Networked: The New Social Operating System. This book gives an interesting glimpse into how we function as networked individuals in all spheres of our lives. And the Pew Internet & American Life Project is truly an amazing effort to survey the American people about their technology habits/use. If you've never checked it out, you should.

He will be joining the EME6476 Internet Inquiry class specifically, but all are welcome. Please let Dr. Dennen know if you plan to attend. If you plan to attend online, email Dr. Dennen for the info (limited to 20).
Dr. Vanessa Dennen's email address:

2. Ike Choi, Associate Professor, University of Georgia. 12:00-1:00

Topic: Lessons Learned from Ten Years’ Design Research on
Case-based e-Learning for Real-World Problem Solving
One of the essential goals in higher education is to help students to be able to deal with real-world problems, which are characterized as complex, dynamic, and uncertain, and which require students’ scientific knowledge, reflective decisions, and professional commitments. In order to find ways to enhance college classroom learning for real-world problem solving, a series of educational design research projects on case-based e-learning has been conducted over the last ten years through interdisciplinary collaborations with leading educators in the areas of human medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, and teacher education ( Sharing candid stories about failures and successes from the studies, this presentation will portray how an initial theoretical idea has evolved, struggled, and been refined through small-scale studies, and finally has been expanded to gain the potential to make a significant impact on larger-scale curriculum changes. Further discussion on the role of educational technology researchers in balancing theory and practice will be facilitated.

Location: Morgan Studio
Online students will receive online connection information before the seminar.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Dr. John Keller Will Present at Our Seminar This Friday

This Friday, Dr. John Keller, Emeritus Professor of Instructional Systems. will be talking about motivation. His classes on motivation were always popular and Dr. Keller is internationally known for the ARCS Model of motivation -- you won't want to miss this seminar!

Please check out Dr. Keller's personal website if you would like to learn more about his work

Location: Mrogan Studio
Time: Friday, Nov. 9th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online students will receive online connection information before the seminar.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Seminar this Friday - Developing a Social LMS

Seminar this Friday, Oct 19th – Mr. Ken Baldauf from Program in Interdisciplinary Computing will give us a presentation on the topic of Developing a Social LMS. Don't miss out!

Location: Mrogan Studio
Time: Friday, Oct. 19th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online students will receive online connection information before the seminar.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

2012 Brown Outstanding Book Award from AECT Goes to Dr. Klein

Dr. James Klein's coauthored book: The Instructional Design Knowledge Base: Theory, Research and Practice has been selected to receive the 2012 Brown Outstanding Book Award from AECT. This award will be given at the AECT 2012 meeting in Louisville. Below is the full reference of the book:
Richey, R. C., Klein, J. D., & Tracey, M. W (2011). The instructional design knowledge base: Theory, research and practice. New York: Routledge.
Currently, this book is used as the textbook for a graduate level course: EDF6925 - Advanced Instructional Design that is offered by the IS program. To find out more about the program and course offerings, please visit: 
To learn more about Dr. Klein's research interests and publications, please visit: 

Friday, 5 October 2012

College of Education Week 2012: Transforming Education Across the Globe

College of Education Week – held in conjunction with FSU Parents' Weekend, October 8 – 13, 2012 – will comprise six days of symposia, presentations and events celebrating COE students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends. The week will kick-off with International Day and culminate in a pre-game tailgate on the beautiful grounds of the Mode L. Stone building before the FSU vs. Boston College football game.

Below is the general schedule and some featured events of the COE week:

Monday, October 8
  • COE week kick-off event
Tuesday, October 9
  • Faculty and Staff Appreciation Ice Cream Social
Wednesday, October 10
  • La Lola Loca Food Truck
  • "Education Amid Crisis and Instability in West Africa: Challenges and Opportunities"
  • The 2012 COE Technology Showcase
  • Invited guest speakers via webinars
Thursday, October 11
Friday, October 12

Saturday, October 13

Please follow this link to learn more about these exciting events!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Seminar this Friday: Changing Lives - Transformational Instructional Design

Our Seminar this Friday is going to be given by Dr. Sue Ebbers, who is a former FSU graduate and President/CEO of LuminEssence LLC - Change by Design. Her presentation topic is: Changing Lives - Transformational Instructional Design.

Location: Mrogan Studio
Time: Friday, Oct. 5th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online students will receive online connection information before the seminar.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

"What is Design Thinking and Why Is It Important?"

Recently, Rim Razzouk, a recent PhD graduate of the IS program, and Valerie Shute published their article "What is Design Thinking and Why Is It Important" in the September 2012 issue of Review of Educational Research. According to the authors, Design Thinking is defined as "Design thinking is generally defined as an analytic and creative process that engages a person in opportunities to experiment, create and prototype models, gather feedback, and redesign."

You may find the article abstract at
You can find more about the journal at 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Dr. Shute's Speech this Friday - You won't want to miss it!

Let's all congratulate our faculty member, Dr. Valerie Shute, the Mac and Effie Campbell Tyner endowed professor! Mark your calendar for her inspiring talk on Friday, September 28, 2012 at College of Medicine Auditorium from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Dr. Dennen and Dr. Becker Gave a Workshop at Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Thailand

Vanessa Dennen along with EPLS Department Chair Betsy Becker represented FSU by giving a workshop at Uttaradit Rajabhat University (URU) in Uttaradit, Thailand. Dr. King Beach of IERD Consultancy also presented at the workshop. The workshop topic was Instructional Systems and Research Methods.

The workshop was attended by the Faculty of Education and International College, and arranged by the Education Dean (and FSU PhD Alum in Measurement & Statistics), Dr. Rapin Posrie.
FSU has a Memorandum of Understanding with URU, and will be engaged in both student and faculty exchanges. Our Thai colleagues were wonderful hosts, providing a day of local sightseeing and holding a special dinner with traditional Thai dances performed by URU students and karaoke.

Dr. Klein Ranked Fourth for His Contribution to PIQ Journal

The article: Performance Improvement Quarterly 2001 – 2010 included in the latest issue of Educational Technology (September - October, 2012) has listed our faculty member – Dr. James Klein - as tied for fourth place for having the most articles published in Performance Improvement Quarterly for the past ten years. Congratulations Dr. Klein! 
You can find more about Dr. Klein's reserach interests and publications from his personal website:

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

IS Presentations at AECT Annual Conference 2012

Take a look at our presentation list at this year's AECT conference! Thank you for your excellent work! ( You can find more topics or presenters in this year's AECT from the link below: )

Wednesday, October 31

·         Gamifying learning? Is it a joke?  1:00pm – 2:00pm

·         Competencies for Instructional Systems Designers 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday, November 1st

·         Simulations 4 Stats Learning Environment 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Friday, November 2nd

·         MP-R9 Explore the Possibilities of Kinect-based Learning 9:15am – 10:15am

Saturday, November 3rd