Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Transformation Through Teaching Recognition: Dr. Darabi

Let's congratulate our faculty member, Dr. Abbas "Aubteen" Darabi, who was honored for his transformational role in his students’ academic life and was hosted by President Barron at dinner on November 5, 2012.

FSU not only focuses on intellectual development, but as a community of moral discourse it also recognizes the need for the development of the whole person. The Spiritual Life Project fosters students’ search for meaning, purpose, and authenticity in life, deepens their self-understanding, broadens their awareness of diverse perspectives and themselves as global citizens, and develops a sense of commitment to higher ideals.

 Transformation Through Teaching is a program established through the Spiritual Life Project, and supported by the Division of Student Affairs, to honor full-time faculty that have had an intellectual, inspirational, and integrative impact on the lives of their students.

 In the program’s second year sixteen faculty were selected on the basis of the students’ compelling nomination by the Spiritual Life Project and the Office of Faculty Recognition. Selected faculty, along with their nominating student attended dinner at The President’s House and continued the conversation about how we all can create a campus culture that encourages meaning and purpose in academic pursuits.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Seminar this Friday - Two Fantastic Sessions

Welcome back from the long weekend! This Friday we will have two seminars. Both will be located in the Morgan Studio. I hope you will be able to attend both because they are TRULY going to be fantastic sessions.

1. Lee Rainie, Director of Pew Internet & American Life Project. 10:30-11:30

Lee will be joining us virtually to talk about his new book (with Barry Wellman), Networked: The New Social Operating System. This book gives an interesting glimpse into how we function as networked individuals in all spheres of our lives. And the Pew Internet & American Life Project is truly an amazing effort to survey the American people about their technology habits/use. If you've never checked it out, you should.

He will be joining the EME6476 Internet Inquiry class specifically, but all are welcome. Please let Dr. Dennen know if you plan to attend. If you plan to attend online, email Dr. Dennen for the info (limited to 20).
Dr. Vanessa Dennen's email address:

2. Ike Choi, Associate Professor, University of Georgia. 12:00-1:00

Topic: Lessons Learned from Ten Years’ Design Research on
Case-based e-Learning for Real-World Problem Solving
One of the essential goals in higher education is to help students to be able to deal with real-world problems, which are characterized as complex, dynamic, and uncertain, and which require students’ scientific knowledge, reflective decisions, and professional commitments. In order to find ways to enhance college classroom learning for real-world problem solving, a series of educational design research projects on case-based e-learning has been conducted over the last ten years through interdisciplinary collaborations with leading educators in the areas of human medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, and teacher education ( Sharing candid stories about failures and successes from the studies, this presentation will portray how an initial theoretical idea has evolved, struggled, and been refined through small-scale studies, and finally has been expanded to gain the potential to make a significant impact on larger-scale curriculum changes. Further discussion on the role of educational technology researchers in balancing theory and practice will be facilitated.

Location: Morgan Studio
Online students will receive online connection information before the seminar.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Dr. John Keller Will Present at Our Seminar This Friday

This Friday, Dr. John Keller, Emeritus Professor of Instructional Systems. will be talking about motivation. His classes on motivation were always popular and Dr. Keller is internationally known for the ARCS Model of motivation -- you won't want to miss this seminar!

Please check out Dr. Keller's personal website if you would like to learn more about his work

Location: Mrogan Studio
Time: Friday, Nov. 9th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online students will receive online connection information before the seminar.