FSU not only focuses on intellectual development, but as
a community of moral discourse it also recognizes the need for the development
of the whole person. The Spiritual Life Project fosters students’ search for
meaning, purpose, and authenticity in life, deepens their self-understanding,
broadens their awareness of diverse perspectives and themselves as global
citizens, and develops a sense of commitment to higher
Transformation Through Teaching is a program
established through the Spiritual Life Project, and supported by the Division of
Student Affairs, to honor full-time faculty that have had an intellectual,
inspirational, and integrative impact on the lives of their students. http://slp.fsu.edu
In the program’s second year sixteen faculty were
selected on the basis of the students’ compelling nomination by the Spiritual
Life Project and the Office of Faculty Recognition. Selected faculty, along with
their nominating student attended dinner at The President’s House and continued
the conversation about how we all can create a campus culture that encourages
meaning and purpose in academic pursuits.
To learn more about Dr. Darabi and his work, please visit: http://www.lsi.fsu.edu/Personnel/#email=adarabi@lsi.fsu.edu and http://www.coe.fsu.edu/Faculty-Staff2/Faculty-Staff-Directory/EPLS-Faculty-Profiles-Click-on-faculty-name-for-more-info/Dr.-Abbas-Aubteen-Darabi