Friday, Sept. 27
Encore presentation of "The PhD Movie"
Whether you're a PhD or MS student, this is a must-see movie. Follow the lives of students conducting research - there are lots of funny moments in the film. Note: Running time is slightly over an hour.
Friday, Oct. 11
Alumni Spotlight Seminar
Please join IS alumni Alison Moore in person, and via Skype Gwynn Grandy, Chris Keeney, and David Levels as they discuss their positions at AT&T and what they're doing with their IS degrees. Gwynn and David started out as interns while completing their MS degrees and Alison was an intern this past Summer.
Friday, Oct. 25
AECT Showcase
Thanks to those that have responded, and we would like to hear from others planning to present at AECT the following weekend. If you are interested in briefly showcasing your presentations, please contact me to be scheduled.
Friday, Nov. 15
Alumni Spotlight Seminar
IS PhD alumni E Shen, Tami Im, and Jean-Marc Wise of the Office of Distance Learning will share how they their IS degrees are utilized in an academic setting.
And please mark Friday, Dec. 6 12p-1p on your calendars for our annual End-of-Semester get-together and Yankee Swap. Details will provided as the date approaches.