Thursday, 29 January 2015

ISSA Events and Activities - Spring 2015

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Dear. ISLT faculty and students,

At the Instructional Systems Student Association (ISSA) we are excited to announce the calendar of events and activities that we are sponsoring this term. We have a new series of professional development talks and lots of academic and fun activities. Please, mark your calendar and keep on checking your email for more information and more events and activities to come. 

February 6, 5:30-7:30 pm, Morgan Studio: Board Games Evening
Let's start the term with some board games and lots of fun. Bring your favorite board game! Significant others are welcome.

February 13, 12-1 pm,  Morgan Studio: ISSA Professional Development Series - Beyond the presentations: The AECT Internship and PacifiCorp Competition
Dr. Jeeheon Ryu (Chonnam National University / FSU), Dr. Sanghoon Park (USF), 
Alison Moore (FSU), and Ji Yae Bong (FSU)
Come to learn about the AECT Internship from ID&T faculty and former AECT Internship recipients. ISLT Ph.D. candidates Alison Moore and Ji Yae Bong will also introduce the 2015 PacifiCorp Competition and talk about their experience as the 2014 PacifiCorp Competition winners.

February 20, 12-1 pm,  Morgan Studio: ISSA Professional Development Series - International Students and the Job Search . 
Dr. Jeeheon Ryu (Chonnam National University / FSU), Dr. Sanghoon Park (USF), and guests.
Come to learn about the job search process for international students. The panelists are former international students who successfully work in the academia.

February 27, 6-8 pm, Miller's Ale House: Dinner.
Join your fellow ISLT students for dinner and a lot of fun. Significant others are welcome.

March 20, 12-1 pm,  location TBA: ISLT Students Meeting
Come to talk with your fellow ISLT students about courses, future terms class schedule, research ideas, conferences, professional development opportunities, and more. 

April 3, 12-1 pm,  location TBA: Research Mixer Session
Come to share your research projects with your fellow ISLT students. (Canceled)

April 3rd 10, 12-1 pm, Morgan Studio: ISSA Professional Development Series - Big Data
Prof. Ken Armstrong (Program in Interdisciplinary Computing, FSU)
Come to learn the issues surrounding the accumulation, transformation and analysis of large datasets typically encountered in both business and research environments.

April 11, 1-3 pm,  Dr. Shute house: ISLT Potluck Lunch
Join the ISLT faculty and staff and your fellow students at this ISLT traditional event kindly hosted by Dr. Val Shute. Bring your favorite food and enjoy recipes from all over the world. Significant others are welcome.

We hope to see you all there!
The ISSA Team

For more information, please, contact Fabrizio

Monday, 26 January 2015

FSU Manuscript Clearance workshop for College of Education Students

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Attention all ISLT doctoral students and thesis-track master's!
If you have any question about formatting or submitting your thesis or dissertation, this workshop will give you the right answers. Pamela Brown, the Manuscript Clearance advisor, has once again offered to give a workshop on formatting and submitting the thesis or dissertation exclusively for the College of Education faculty and students.The workshop will also address issues of copyright, IRB/ACUC approvals, and other questions that may arise during the process.

  • Speakers: Pamela Brown, Manuscript Clearnce Advisor & Jeff Norcini, Assistant Manuscript Clearance Advisor
  • Date & Time: Friday, January 30th, 3-5 pm
  • Location: STB 1310E
  • Students are encouraged to bring their manuscript draft on a laptop or flash drive.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Graduate School at 850/644-3501 or

*Additional spring 2015 workshop offerings can be found at

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Call for Proposals: AECT 2015

The AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) international convention will be held at Indianapolis, Indiana from 3 to 7 November, 2015. All participants will have an great opportunity for the sharing of research and experiences with their peers and those emerging in our field. This year's convention theme is Accelerate Learning: Racing into the Future. AECT divisions and affiliates emphasize the research and practical applications of instructional design, distance learning, multimedia development, school profession community. 
  • Proposal Deadlines: February 2, 11:59PM (EST), 2015
  • Proposal Process: To be considered, a complete proposal must be submitted. A complete online proposal submission consist of (1) presentation title, (2) a description of the session (maximum of 75 words), (3) an anonymous abstract (750-1,000 words), (4) equipment request, and (5) list of presenters. 
  • Types of Sessions: Concurrent sessions, posters, roundtables, fee-based workshops, and presidential sessions.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Dr. Shute was featured in an NPR article for her research with STEALTH assessment!

Dr. Valerie Shute was featured in an NPR article, 
titled "What Schools Could Use Instead Of Standardized Tests?,
for her research with stealth assessment. 

Here is the link to the NPR article:

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Our online graduate programs have been ranked #2 in the nation!

Florida State University ranked #2 for online graduate education programs by U.S. News Education!

U.S. News ranked schools for the 2015 edition of the Best Online Graduate Education Programs rankings. Florida State University have been ranked #2 in the nation.  

U.S. News collected data by sending statistical questionnaires to the 252 regionally accredited public, private and for -profit institutions with online graduate programs in education. Also, deans and top distance learning officials of the institutions participated in a separate peer reputation survey. 

The rankings were based on five general categories and their weight: Student engagement (35%), student services and technology (20%), faculty credentials and training (15%), admissions selectivity (15%), and peer reputation (15%). The final scores were recalculated from zero to 100. FSU received an overall score of 94. 

"The College of Education was an early pioneer in online education at FSU, and we continue to develop innovative programs that provide a quality education to students who can't travel to campus," said Dr. Marcy Driscoll, dean of the College of Education. "It's exciting to see our achievements earn this recognition." (See more quotes at FSU EdNEws.)

"The gains we have made in the U.S. News ranking illustrate the continuing dedication of the university in providing whatever resources are needed to endow FSU students with an outstanding online education," said Dr. Susann Rudasill, director at the Office of Distance Learning at FSU. (See more quotes at FSU EdNEws.)

The Florida State University College of Education offers four online Master's degree programs:

To see more on this, visit here:
  • U.S. News, Best Online Graduate Education Programs
  • FSU EdNews, Florida State University ranked #2 for online graduate education programs