Wednesday, 25 February 2015

ISSA Dinner Social, This Friday!

Join your fellow ISLT students and friends. Good food, great drinks, and a lot of fun! ISSA socials and dinners are the best way to get to know other students in our program. Significant others are welcome too!

  • When: This Friday, February 27th, at 6 pm.
  • Where: Miller's Ale House (722 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, FL32301)
If you need a ride, please email Fabrizio ( We'll pick you up!

See you there.

The ISSA Team

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

ISSA Professional Development Talk II, This Friday!

This Friday, February 20th, at 12pm, is the second of the ISSA professional development talks: "The U.S. Job Search for International Students."
Come to hear success stories of formal international students who have found jobs in the U.S. The panel, moderated by Dr. Jeeheon Ryu, will include professors from different American universities who will discuss topic and give tips to improve the job search process. If you are an international student hoping to find an employment in the U.S., you will not want to miss this event!
Please note that the talk will take place at Stone Building, room 3203, not at Morgan Studio, as previously announced.
We hope to see  you there!
- The ISSA Team -

Monday, 16 February 2015

Picture Stories: ISSA PD talk I - The AECT Internship & PacifiCorp Competition

Last Friday, we had our first ISSA professional development talk: "Beyond the Presentations: The AECT Internship and PacifiCorp Competition" at Stone Building.

Fabrizio Fornara, the current ISSA president, introduced four speakers, Dr. Jeeheon Ryu, Dr. Sanghoon Park, Alison Moore, and Jiyae Bong.
Dr. Jeeheon Ryu talked about the AECT leadership development internship program - Strohbehn Intern, Cochran Intern, and Jenny Johnson Intern. He also shared his personal experience as a former intern and useful resources including published articles on reflections of formal interns.

We also had a great chance to learn more about the AECT internship program thanks to another speaker, Dr. Sanghoon Park. He is another alumnus and works as an assistant professor of Instructional Technology at University of South Florida. As a former AECT intern, Dr. Park also shared his experience and the benefits of it. He didn't forget to show us the shiny medal for the internship. :)

Visit here to learn more about the 2015 AECT Leadership Development Internship Program. The application deadline is May 30th, 2015.

Alison Moore and Jiyae Bong, current ISLT doctoral students introduced the three phases of AECT PacifiCorp competition and shared their experiences. They also talked about benefits of the competition and tips for participating. At the end, they distributed some helpful resources.

Visit here to learn more about the 2015 PacifiCorp competition. The deadline for the first phase of competition is April 15th, 2015.

Now, we are looking forward to the next ISSA professional development talk this Friday (February 20th, 12-1pm) at STB3203. It is the ISSA Professional Development Series - International Students and the Job Search. Come and learn about the job search process for international students this Friday. The panelists are former international students who successfully work in the academia. We will see you all there! :)

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Dr. Dennen appointed editor-in-chief of esteemed education journal!

Image result for "vanessa dennen"
Congratulations to Dr. Vanessa Dennen!

Dr. Vanessa Dennen has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of The Internet and Higher Education, a journal, published by Elsevier. 

The Internet and Higher EducationThe Internet and Higher Education is a peer-reviewed journal intended to address contemporary issues and future developments related to learning and teaching on the internet in higher education. The scope of the journal includes internet technology design and use; instructional models in online courses; collaborative learning; online communities of practice; institutional policies, standards and assessment; and internationalization and cultural aspects of online classrooms. (Visit here to learn its full aims and scope.)
This journal also has been ranked in the top 20 in its subject category, Education and Educational Research, by the Social Sciences Citation Index. (Visit FSU EdNews for this news.)


Thursday, 12 February 2015

ISSA Professional Development Talk, This Friday (Tomorrow!)

This Friday (tomorrow), February 13th, at 12pm, is the first of the ISSA professional development talks: "Beyond the Presentations: The AECT Internship and PacificCorp Competition." Dr. Jeeheon Ryu and Dr. Sanghoon Park, former AECT interns, will introduce the AECT Leardership Internship Program. Alison Moore and Ji Yae Bong will introduce the PacificCorp Competition and share their experience as the 2014 competition winners.
Please note that the talk will take place at Stone Building, room 3203, not at Morgan studio, as previously announced. 

We hope to see you there! 

Fabrizio Fornara, the president of ISSA.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

We had a fun ISSA game evening, last Friday!

We had a fun ISSA game evening last Friday. Check out these great photos! :)

Now we are looking forward to the next ISSA event this Friday. It is one of ISSA professional development series - "Beyond the Presentations: The AECT Internship and PacifiCorp Competition."
 We will see you all there! :)