Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Photos: AAC meeting and Mini Simulations 2015

Last Thursday and Friday, ISLT AAC Meeting & Mini Simulation was held at Stone Building on campus. Many alumni, faculty members, and students were there and had a great time. Here are some photos. To see more photos, visit our facebook group, FSU Instructional Systems.

Last Friday morning. Before the mini simulations started, we had the pleasant chats while enjoying delicious food. It was so nice to see all current and past students at the same place.

After breakfast, all of us headed to the main room to learn about the program. Dr. Klein and Dr. Cathy Tencza, one of our alumni, introduced us this event. We split into some small groups and had a great time to learn the speakers' experience now working on diverse Instructional Systems related fields.

Here are the list of topics and speakers at the mini-simulations. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
  • Developing a High-Profile Project Timeline: Sue Ebbers, Ph.D., CEO, Luminessence Change by Design
  • It's a Dilemma: Amy Farrington, Director of Certification, Florida Certification Board
  • Improving Performance: An Ecosystem Approach to Upskilling: Doretta Gordon, Learning and Development Manager, State Farm Insurance Companies & Jonathan Hamilton, Learning Technologies Analyst, State Farm Insurance Companies
  • Working in a Full Time Virtual Academic Position: Guiding and Mentoring: Judy Converso, Ph.D., Full Time Graduate School Dissertation Chair, Northcentral University
  • One System, Many Users: Upskilling Them All: Cathy Tencza, Performance Consultant, Tencza Designs
  • Data is the Answer: What was the Question?: Kathy Ingram, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Curriculum, Kaplan University
  • Avoiding Rejection: Targeting Interventions for Maximum Effectiveness: Gwynn Grandy, SR, Training Manager, AT&T University
  • When the Solution Comes First: Gabrielle Gabrielli, Ph.D., President and CEO, Gabrielle Consulting, Inc.
  • Professionalizing Foster Care: Improving Practices and Outcomes. Lisa Wubbena, Instructional Design Consultant.

After the invited State Farm presentation, the day came to an end with the ISLT Alumni Advisory Council Meeting. Many alumni, some students, and all faculty members discussed many ways to contribute to our program for over four hours.
This two-day event was a success and we all had a great opportunity to create a professional network and gain precious experience that can guide us towards our aspirations!

Outstanding students and alumni honored at our annual award banquet.

Last Thursday, several outstanding students and alumni were honored at the Student Award Ceremony held at the University Center Club on campus. It was on the first day of AAC meeting & Mini Simulation.

The awards not only recognize the work and services of these students and alumni, but provided monetary awards as well. A total of six graduate students and two alumni were recognized for their work and services this year.

Alison Moore, a doctoral candidate, was honored with the Outstanding Doctoral Student Award. Fabrizio Fornara, a doctoral candidate, was recognized with the Outstanding International Student Award and the Outstanding Service Award. The Outstanding Master Student Award recognizes excellence in their work and Sarah Hill was the recipient. Edwin Owen Williams was also the recipient of the Outstanding Distance Learning Student Award. The two doctoral students were honored with the Future Professor Awards and they were Jiyae Bong and Greg Moore. Dr. Jeeheon Ryu was also honored with the  Outstanding Alumnus Award. The recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Service Award was Dr. Suzanne J. Ebbers. The other students who had been nominated for one of the awards received their certificates. Zhongrui Yao and Yasin Yalcin, who organized this annual event with Alumni Advice Council and faculty members, received their Certificate of Appreciation. Congratulations to all of the recipients!

Photos: ISLT Potluck Lunch

Every spring, the ISLT program organizes a picnic lunch. This year, Dr. Shute hosted this event and we shared great food and had a lot of fun, a couple of weeks ago. Check out some of the great photos on that day! :)


Monday, 27 April 2015

Interested in Pursuing your Master's degree online?

We, Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT), provide online master's programs in the areas of instructional systems, open and distance learning, and performance improvement and human resource development. We also offer certificate programs in human performance technology (HPT) and online instructional development. (To learn more, click here!)

Why you should join the online master's program at ISLT, FSU? 

Check out Monica Surrency's story. She is one of our awesome alumni who earned her master's degree at ISLT, FSU.

"Without my master's, I'm not sure if I would have gotten the promotion," says Surrency. "Having that degree really helped."

Here is the link to the article in Learning Solutions Magazine:

Lorna Collier, the author of this article, also describes many advantages of online instructional design programs.

To learn our ISLT programs, visit here.

Monday, 20 April 2015

ISLT ACC Meeting & Mini Simulation on April 23 & 24, 2015

Join us at the ISLT ACC Meeting & Mini Simulation on April 23rd and 24th, 2015.
Take a look at the programs below.
Look forward to seeing you all there! :)

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Photos: FSU COE reception at AERA annual meeting

The FSU College of Education Reception was held in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting. The event took place yesterday at The Art Institute of Chicago. Many FSU alumni, faculty members, students, and their friends attended and had a great time there. Here are some photos :)

Friday, 10 April 2015

Reminder: ISLT Potluck Lunch on April 11, 1-3 pm

Join the ISLT faculty, staff, and your fellow students at this ISLT traditional event kindly hosted by Dr. Val Shute. Bring your favorite food and enjoy recipes from all over the world. Significant others are welcome.

Time: Saturday, April 11, 1-3 PM
Place: 1244 Conservancy Drive East, Tallahassee, FL32312
Bring: This is a potluck, so please, bring some food or drink to share. This can be representative of your culture, your tastes, or your favorite aisle in the grocery store.

We hope to see you all there!

The ISSA team.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Congratulations! Dr. Shute receives Graduate Student Mentor Award.

Image result for valerie shute
Dr. Valerie Shute

The FSU Graduate School recognizes faculty members for their outstanding mentoring of students, and graduate students for their excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship, each year. 
Dr. Valerie Shute will be honored as an award recipient of the Graduate Student Mentor Award. Dr. Shute will be recognized for this achievement at the Celebration of Graduate Student Excellence on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 3:30pm in the FSU Alumni Center.  

Visit FSU EdNews to find more information. 

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Photos: ISSA Professional Development Series - Big Data, Last Friday

We had our third ISSA professional development talk: "Big Data" on April 3rd, 2015.
Dr. Ken Armstrong at the Program in Interdisciplinary Computing, FSU presented various aspects of Big Data such as accumulation, transformation, and analysis of large datasets in both business and research environments. It was a great chance to learn about Big Data. Here are some photos on that day!