Friday, 8 April 2016

ISLT Alumni Mini-Conference 2016

Dear ISLT students, faculty members, alumni, and friends,

The ISLT Alumni Mini-Conference, "Alumni Student Knowledge Exchange 2016 - ASKe16" begins next week at 6:30 p.m. EDT on April 14th, and continues until 12:30 p.m. EDT on April 15th.

If you are planning to attend the conference, please register via this online survey.

The conference will be at no cost to students. You are strongly encouraged to attend the conference as it is a great opportunity for professional development and network building. Please see the conference program below.

***Please note a change in venue for the AAC dinner (April 15th). It will be held at BJ's restaurant (1748 Apalachee Parkway).

If you have any questions, please contact Yasin at

Hope to see many of you at the conference.


ISLT Presentations at AERA Annual Conference 2016

American Educational Research Association (AERA) will host its annual convention at Washington, DC on April 8-12, 2016. This year, we have over 13 faculty members, graduate students, and alumni will be presenting their research. Here is the list of FSU ISLT presenters and their research topics:

Logan Arrington 
  • Poster Session 6: Curriculum and Instruction in the Science Classroom 
  • Paper Title: Dietitians-in-Training Developing a Diet Plan for a Diabetic Case: A Comparison of Three Instructional Strategies 
Jiyae Bong 
  • Poster Session 8: Motivation, Emotion, and Perception in Technology-Based Learning Environments
  • Paper Title: Learners' Perception of Digital Badges in the College Classroom 
Amit Chauhan 
  • Poster Session 3: Learning Process and Effects of Technology-Enhanced Learning 
  • Paper Title: Using Learning Analytics to Explore the Relationship Between Lurking, Asking Questions, and Academic Achievement in a Hybrid Course 
Dr. Aubteen Darabi 
  • Poster Session 6: Curriculum and Instruction in the Science Classroom 
  • Paper Title: Dietitians-in-Training Developing a Diet Plan for a Diabetic Case: A Comparison of Three Instructional Strategies 
Dr. Vanessa Dennen 
  • Poster Session 8: Motivation, Emotion, and Perception in Technology-Based Learning Environments
  • Paper Title: Learners' Perception of Digital Badges in the College Classroom 
Dr. Fengfeng Ke 
  • Session: Designing Technology-Supported Learning Environments 
  • Paper Title: The Effects of Game-Based Learning in an OpenSim-Supported Virtual Environment for Mathematical Performance 
  • Session:Game Design and Game-Based Learning 
  • Paper Title: Interweaving Learning Game Design and Game-Based Learning Assessment: A Design Experiment
  • Session:Problem Solving in Complex Settings: Technologies, Teams, and Learning Environments 
  • Paper Title: The Effects of Representation Format in Problem Representation on Qualitative Understanding and Quantitative Proficiency in a Learning Game Context 
Dr. Heesung Kim 
  • Session:Designing Technology-Supported Learning Environments 
  • Paper Title: The Effects of Game-Based Learning in an OpenSim-Supported Virtual Environment for Mathematical Performance 
Dr. James D. Klein 
  • Poster Session 4: Instructional Technology SIG Poster Session 
  • Paper Title: The Business of Informal Learning: A Survey of Instructional Design and Performance Improvement Practitioners 
Sungwoong Lee 
  • Session:Game Design and Game-Based Learning 
  • Paper Title: Interweaving Learning Game Design and Game-Based Learning Assessment: A Design Experiment 
Alison Moore 
  • Poster Session 4: Instructional Technology SIG Poster Session 
  • Paper Title: The Business of Informal Learning: A Survey of Instructional Design and Performance Improvement Practitioners 
Gregory Moore 
  • Session:Game Design and Game-Based Learning 
  • Paper Title: Interweaving Learning Game Design and Game-Based Learning Assessment: A Design Experiment
Dr. Valerie Shute 
  • Session:Emotions in Technology-Rich Learning Environments: Theory, Measurement, and the Future 
  • Paper Title: Automatic Objective Measurement of Student Emotions in Computer-Enabled Classrooms 
  • Session:Game Design and Game-Based Learning 
  • Paper Title: Interweaving Learning Game Design and Game-Based Learning Assessment: A Design Experiment
  • Session:Principled Assessment Design in Action: Best Professional Practices for Digitally Delivered Learning and Assessment Systems 
  • Paper Title: Stealth Assessment 
Rinki Suryavanshi 
  • Poster Session 6: Curriculum and Instruction in the Science Classroom 
  • Paper Title: Dietitians-in-Training Developing a Diet Plan for a Diabetic Case: A Comparison of Three Instructional Strategies
You can also search for more detail and find the full schedule for this convention at

Thursday, 7 April 2016

FSU COE Reception at AERA Annual Meeting, This Saturday!

The FSU COE Annual Reception will be held in conjunction with the 2016 American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting in Washington, DC.

The event will take place on Saturday, April 9th from 7:00-9:00PM at the International Spy MuseumAdmission is free and all FSU alumni, students, faculty, and friends are welcome to attend. Complimentary cocktails and food will be provided.

For more information about the reception or to RSVP, please contact Marah Kirsten Harrington.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Photos: 2016 ISLT Spring Potluck Lunch

ISLT family had lots of fun at the Spring Potluck Lunch, today!
Check out some of the great photos!

*Photos courtesy of Zhongrui, Ahmad, & Dr. Shute