Wednesday, 31 August 2016

FSU COE Student Leardership Council Representatives Needed

The College of Education Student Leadership Council (SLC), a standing committee of the Office of the Dean, provides for the mutual exchange of ideas and open dialogue between undergraduate and graduate students and the college administration. Monthly meetings will offer an opportunity to solicit advice and perspectives on decisions affecting matters of importance to students. 

Students will gain a valuable network with college administration, faculty, staff, and other students while making a significant impact on the College of Education and Florida State University. By serving as a voice of your peers, not only will you gain valuable leadership skills, but also enhance your reasoning and critical thinking abilities.  

Vacancies for 2016-2017 are: ·        
  • 1 representatives of the School of Teacher Education (STE) ·         
  • 1 representative of the Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (EPLS) Department  
If you are interested in serving on the SLC and meet the below qualifications, please take a moment to nominate yourself by completing the following online application by Tuesday, September 6 at 5pm! If you have any questions about the SLC or the nomination process, please contact Mr. Jason Guilbeau at    

Student members must be:
  • currently enrolled in at least three on-campus courses at FSU with a major in the College of Education from August 2016-May 2017
  • in good academic standing with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • comfortable in actively voicing and respectfully listening to a variety of opinions in a group setting able to respect the confidential nature of some topics the council may discuss and offer thoughtful advice on a variety of sensitive topics
  • available to attend monthly meetings and activities—a commitment of 2-3 hours monthly
Student members will:  
  • learn the structure of the College of Education
  • prepare for meetings and be aware of dates
  • communicate an expected absence and find a proxy to attend a meeting or event  
  • provide agenda items at least a week in advance so the topic can be added to the agenda  
  • bring calendars and note taking material (pens/paper, laptops, etc.) to all meetings  
  • serve on an SLC Committee
  • attend various SLC and COE events  
Students from programs in the College of Education are self-nominated or nominated to serve on the committee by college faculty and staff for a renewable one-year term, from April-April. Students filling the current vacancies will begin their term in September and serve through April 2017.  

*Two ISLT doctoral students, Fabrizio Fornara and Jenay Sermon served on the SLC in 2015-2016.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

2016 Three-Minute Thesis Competition for FSU Doctoral Students

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland, Australia. The exercise develops academic, presentation, and research communication skills and supports the development of students' capacities to effectively explain their research in language appropriate to an intelligent but non-specialist audience.

Doctoral students have three minutes to present a compelling operation on their dissertation topic and its significance. 3MT™ forces students to consolidate their ideas and crystalize their research discoveries.

Currently enrolled doctoral students at Florida State University

  • Registration will be open: August 24 - October 11, 2016
  • Preliminary rounds: October 31 - November 4, 2016 at the
  • Finalist Competition: November 29, 2016, 6:00 PM, College of Medicine Auditorium
Prior to the 3-Minutes Thesis (3MT™), the Graduate School will host workshops for graduate students intending to enter the competition. The workshops will be conducted twice September 1st , at 10:30 AM and again at 3:30 PM in the Honors, Scholars and Fellows House, room 3009. To register:
  • Winner: $500
  • Runner-up: $350
  • People's Choice: $250 (selected by the audience)