Wednesday, November 8th
Concurrent Session
[Keynote] Leading for Learning - Something New Under the Sun
Marcy Driscoll
12:30 to 1:45pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4
Effects of Representation Format on Eye Movements in Math Problem Solving: Does Iconic Make a Difference?
Sungwoong Lee (Emporia State University), Jeeheon Ryu (Chonnam National University), Fengfeng Ke (Florida State University)
2 to 3pm, 2nd Level, Grand 6
Navigating Cross-cultural Dialogues in Informal Technology-based Learning Environments
Vanessa Dennen, Jiyae Bong
2 to 3pm, 3rd level, City Terrace 06
Teaching Research in Instructional Design and Technology
Lauren Bagdy, Kelli-Anne Longfellow, James Klein
4:30 to 5:30pm, 3rd Level, Clearwater
[Presidential] Propelling into the Future: Educational Technology Scholarship Fueled by Core Philosophy and Emerging Trends
Robert Reiser
4:30 to 5:30pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4
Thursday, November 9th
Concurrent Session
Don't Just Tweet About Weather: Teaching Preservice Teachers to Develop Personal Learning Network Using Twitter
Vanessa Dennen, Lauren Bagdy, Michelle Cates
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, City Terrace 12
Exploring the Pedagogical Value of Mobile Social Media for the Learning and Teaching of Culture
Fabrizio Fornara
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, City Terrace 06
When is “Productive Failure” Most Productive? A Meta-Analysis
Thomas Logan Arrington, Aubteen Darabi
10:30 to 11:30am, 2nd Level, Grand 7
Designing Teaching Training Scenarios in a Mixed-reality Immersive Learning Environment
Xinhao Xu (University of Missouri-Columbia), Fengfeng Ke (Florida State University)
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, River Terrace 1
[Presidential] Women Leading Learning for Change
Marcy Driscoll
11:45am to 12:45pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4
The Effectiveness of Digital Games on Problem-Solving Skills in Elementary and Secondary Education: A Meta-Analysis
Seyedahmad Rahimi
2:15 to 3:15pm, 3rd Level, City Terrace 11
[Presidential] Innovations in Education: How to Use Social Media, Mobile Learning, MOOCs, and Open Educational Resources to Transform Learning
Robert Reiser, Vanessa Dennen, Fabrizio Fornara, Weinan Zhao
2:15 to 3:15, 2nd Level, Grand 4
Game-Based Learning and Students' Math Achievement: A Meta Analysis
Umit Tokac (Florida State University), Elena Novak (Kent State University), Christopher Thompson (Florida State University)
3:30 to 4:30pm, 2nd Level, Grand 6
[Presidential] Leadership by Example: The Legacy of Howard Sullivan
James Klein, Robert Reiser
4:45 to 5:45, 2nd Level, Grand 4
Reorganizing Action Verbs and Embodied Activities in Immersive Virtual Reality Games: Implications for Instructional Design
Jewoong Moon
11:45 to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B
D&D Showcase
Social Network Analysis in Collaborative Knowledge-Construction (SNACK): An Online Discussion Visualizing Tool
Zhichun Liu
10:30am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Skybridge-3rd Level
Stealth Assessment Instructional Program
Seyedahmad Rahimi
10:30am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Escalator Landing
Emerging Technology Showcase
Facilitating Collaborative Learning and Problem-Solving with Computer-Supported Causal Mapping
Allan Jeong
2:15 to 3:15pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center A
Friday, November 10th
Concurrent Session
Exploring Learning Affordance from Embodied Interface of STEM-relevant Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Games
Jewoong Moon
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, City Terrace 11
Featured Student Profiles: An Instructional Blogging Strategy to Enhance Student’s Peer Awareness and Interaction in a Blog-integrated Blended Classroom
Jiyae Bong, Taehyeong Lim
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Orlando
[Presidential] Leading by Example: A View from Project Managers
James Klein (Florida State University), David Dick (Consultant), Sue Ebbers (Change by Design), Kathleen Ingram (Kaplan University), Jayne Klein (JKlein Consulting), CJ Masters (GMarie Group), Chuck Lombardo (Consultant)
11:45 to 12:45pm, 2nd Level, Grand 5
[Presidential] From the Classroom to the Board Room: Becoming an Administrative Leader at Your Institution
Marcy Driscoll
3:30 to 4:30pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4
[Panel] Leadership in Student Organizations: Experiences and Reflections from Student Leaders
Thomas Logan Arrington, Zhongrui Yao
11:45 to12:45pm, 3rd level, City Terrace 09
Designing a Scaffolded Diigo Unit: Using Social Annotation to Support Learning
Michelle Cates, Lauren Bagdy, Vanessa Dennen
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, Conf Center B
Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Problem Solving
Yasin Yalcin, Valerie Shute
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, Conf Center B
Network Structure and Identity in a Learning-themed Discussion on Twitter
Yasin Yalcin
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B
A Review of Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing for L2 Students
Ha Jeen Choi
2:15 to 3:15pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B
Explorations of Storytelling Approaches in STEM-related Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Games: The Findings from In-depth Video Observation
Jewoong Moon
3:30 to 4:30pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B
*Updated: 10/21/2017