Saturday, 21 October 2017

ISLT Presentations at AECT Annual Conference 2017

AECT will host its annual convention at Hyatt Regency Jascksonville Riverfront in Jacksonville, Florida. This year, we have over 23 faculty, staff, alumni, and student presenters listed in this 5-day program (November 6 to 11, 2017) with featured concurrent research presentations, poster, roundtable, and showcase presentations. Below is a brief list. Find the full schedule at their website.

Wednesday, November 8th

Concurrent Session

[Keynote] Leading for Learning - Something New Under the Sun
Marcy Driscoll
12:30 to 1:45pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4

Effects of Representation Format on Eye Movements in Math Problem Solving: Does Iconic Make a Difference? 
Sungwoong Lee (Emporia State University), Jeeheon Ryu (Chonnam National University), Fengfeng Ke (Florida State University)
2 to 3pm, 2nd Level, Grand 6

Navigating Cross-cultural Dialogues in Informal Technology-based Learning Environments

Vanessa Dennen, Jiyae Bong
2 to 3pm, 3rd level, City Terrace 06

Teaching Research in Instructional Design and Technology

Lauren Bagdy, Kelli-Anne Longfellow, James Klein
4:30 to 5:30pm, 3rd Level, Clearwater

[Presidential] Propelling into the Future: Educational Technology Scholarship Fueled by Core Philosophy and Emerging Trends
Robert Reiser
4:30 to 5:30pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4

Thursday, November 9th

Concurrent Session

Don't Just Tweet About Weather: Teaching Preservice Teachers to Develop Personal Learning Network Using Twitter
Vanessa Dennen, Lauren Bagdy, Michelle Cates
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, City Terrace 12

Exploring the Pedagogical Value of Mobile Social Media for the Learning and Teaching of Culture
Fabrizio Fornara
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, City Terrace 06

When is “Productive Failure” Most Productive? A Meta-Analysis
Thomas Logan Arrington, Aubteen Darabi
10:30 to 11:30am, 2nd Level, Grand 7

Designing Teaching Training Scenarios in a Mixed-reality Immersive Learning Environment
Xinhao Xu (University of Missouri-Columbia), Fengfeng Ke (Florida State University)
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, River Terrace 1

[Presidential] Women Leading Learning for Change
Marcy Driscoll
11:45am to 12:45pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4

The Effectiveness of Digital Games on Problem-Solving Skills in Elementary and Secondary Education: A Meta-Analysis
Seyedahmad Rahimi
2:15 to 3:15pm, 3rd Level, City Terrace 11

[Presidential] Innovations in Education: How to Use Social Media, Mobile Learning, MOOCs, and Open Educational Resources to Transform Learning
Robert Reiser, Vanessa Dennen, Fabrizio Fornara, Weinan Zhao
2:15 to 3:15, 2nd Level, Grand 4

Game-Based Learning and Students' Math Achievement: A Meta Analysis
Umit Tokac (Florida State University), Elena Novak (Kent State University), Christopher Thompson (Florida State University)
3:30 to 4:30pm, 2nd Level, Grand 6

[Presidential] Leadership by Example: The Legacy of Howard Sullivan
James Klein, Robert Reiser
4:45 to 5:45, 2nd Level, Grand 4


Reorganizing Action Verbs and Embodied Activities in Immersive Virtual Reality Games: Implications for Instructional Design
Jewoong Moon
11:45 to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B

D&D Showcase

Social Network Analysis in Collaborative Knowledge-Construction (SNACK): An Online Discussion Visualizing Tool
Zhichun Liu 
10:30am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Skybridge-3rd Level

Stealth Assessment Instructional Program

Seyedahmad Rahimi
10:30am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Escalator Landing

Emerging Technology Showcase

Facilitating Collaborative Learning and Problem-Solving with Computer-Supported Causal Mapping
Allan Jeong
2:15 to 3:15pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center A

Friday, November 10th

Concurrent Session

Exploring Learning Affordance from Embodied Interface of STEM-relevant Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Games
Jewoong Moon
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, City Terrace 11

Featured Student Profiles: An Instructional Blogging Strategy to Enhance Student’s Peer Awareness and Interaction in a Blog-integrated Blended Classroom
Jiyae Bong, Taehyeong Lim
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Orlando

[Presidential] Leading by Example: A View from Project Managers
James Klein (Florida State University), David Dick (Consultant), Sue Ebbers (Change by Design), Kathleen Ingram (Kaplan University), Jayne Klein (JKlein Consulting), CJ Masters (GMarie Group), Chuck Lombardo (Consultant)
11:45 to 12:45pm, 2nd Level, Grand 5

[Presidential] From the Classroom to the Board Room: Becoming an Administrative Leader at Your Institution
Marcy Driscoll
3:30 to 4:30pm, 2nd Level, Grand 4

[Panel] Leadership in Student Organizations: Experiences and Reflections from Student Leaders
Thomas Logan Arrington, Zhongrui Yao
11:45 to12:45pm, 3rd level, City Terrace 09


Designing a Scaffolded Diigo Unit: Using Social Annotation to Support Learning
Michelle Cates, Lauren Bagdy, Vanessa Dennen
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, Conf Center B

Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Problem Solving
Yasin Yalcin, Valerie Shute
10:30 to 11:30am, 3rd Level, Conf Center B

Network Structure and Identity in a Learning-themed Discussion on Twitter
Yasin Yalcin
11:45am to 12:45pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B

A Review of Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing for L2 Students
Ha Jeen Choi
2:15 to 3:15pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B

Explorations of Storytelling Approaches in STEM-related Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Games: The Findings from In-depth Video Observation
Jewoong Moon
3:30 to 4:30pm, 3rd Level, Conf Center B

*Updated: 10/21/2017

Friday, 26 May 2017

Dr. Shute receives $4M to further STEM learning research

Dr. Valerie Shute has received three grants within the past year to further her research aimed at making STEM learning more accessible, engaging and effective for students, especially underrepresented minorities. The National Science Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences awarded a total of $4 million to her, to study the design, development and evaluation of immersive games to support physics competencies over the next four years.

The National Science Foundation awarded Shute a three-year, $1.1 million Cyberlearning Development Grant in September 2016. This grant builds on Shute’s prior research that used stealth assessment, or the embedding of evaluations deeply within games, to measure students’ understanding of physics competencies.

The second award from the National Science Foundation is a three-year, $1.5 million Education and Human Resources grant to study how interpersonal interactions influence collaborative problem solving processes and outcomes in digital STEM learning environments.

In August, the Institute of Education Sciences will award Shute a four-year, $1.4 million grant to study theoretically guided learning supports that can improve both the learning experience and learning outcomes in STEM learning games.

Click here to read the full FSU News article.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

ISSA Beginning of Semester Potluck – May 25 @ 6:30 pm

The beginning of semester potluck is slated for May 25 @ 6:30pm. Please bring a food or drink with you! Here are the details for the event:

  •  When: Thursday, May 25, 2017 @ 6:30pm 
  •  Where: Morgan Studio, STB 3211 
  •  Who: ISLT students, alumni, faculty/staff, and any friends or family
Please complete this survey to indicate whether or not you will be able to attend:

We hope that you all can join us. If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact me (

We hope to see you there,

The ISSA Board

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Dr. Fengfeng Ke Receives FSU's 2017 Developing Scholar Award!

"College of Education faculty members."

Florida State University recognized the contributions and achievements of outstanding faculty members at the annual Faculty Awards Dinner.

Fengfeng Ke, associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems, was recognized with a Developing Scholar Award. Sponsored annually by the Council on Research and Creativity (CRC), this award recognizes mid-career associate professor-level faculty with a one-time allowance of $10,000 to support their research programs.

Additional honors were also given to other outstanding FSU faculty members during the dinner, including the Ralph Stair Prize for Innovation in Education, Distinguished Research Professor Award, Honors Thesis Mentor Award and the Distinguished Teacher Award.

For a full list of awardees, visit

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

FSU Alumni Reception at AERA in San Antonio, April 28, 2017

The FSU Reception for alumni, faculty, and friends will be held in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting. It is hosted by Dean Marcy Driscoll and the FSU College of Education. See the details below.

  • Date: Friday, April 28th, 2017
  • Time: 7:00 to 9:00 PM
  • Place: The Depot at Sunset Station (1174 E. Commerce Street, San Antonio, TX 78205)
  • RSVP here
  • Join the event on Facebook!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

CORE and the Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference, this Friday (April, 7th)

The Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference will be held in the Stone Building on April 7th, this Friday. This annual event is organized by the CORE committee to celebrate and showcase the work of COE faculty and graduate students. Below is a brief list of ISLT presenters. Click here to see the full schedule for this conference.

Concurrent Sessions, Room G 152
8:30 - 9:30 Concurrent Sessions 1
James Klein (EPLS) with Wei Qiang Kelly
Competencies for Instructional Design and Technology Professionals

10:50 - 11:50 Concurrent Session 3
Fengfeng Ke (EPLS) with Xinhao Xu, Sungwoong Lee, Jewoong Moon, Zhaihuan Dai, Yanjun Pan, Valerie J. Shute, Kathleen Clark, and Gordon Erlebacher
Math Learning through Game-based Architectural Design and Building

Concurrent Sessions, Room G 157
8:30 - 9:30 Concurrent Session 1
Vanessa Dennen (EPLS) with Shuang Hao
Effects of Faded Scaffolding in Computer-based Instruction on Learners' Performance, Cognitive Load, and Text Anxiety

Research Poster Session
1:00 - 2:00 PM
COE Atrium, Ground Floor & First Floor

Thomas Arrington (EPLS) with Aubteen Darabi
What Makes an Exemplary Program in Instructional Design and Technology? 

 Ji Yae Bong (EPLS) with Vanessa Dennen
Digital Badges and Learning Analytics to Explore the Learner Participation in a MOOC

Peter Carafano (EPLS)
Problem Based Learning in a Pathophysiology On-line Review System

Jinjushang Chen (EPLS)
Epistemological Beliefs of Engineering Students 

Fabrizio Fornara (EPLS)
Instagram for Cultural and Intercultural Awareness Development in Foreign Language Education

Yujia Huang (EPLS)
Effects of Video Technology on Second Language Learning

Zhichun Liu (EPLS)
The Rich get Richer? A Social Network Analysis of Preferential Attachment in Online Asynchronous Discussion

Xi Lu (EPLS)
Effects of Digital Games on English Vocabulary Learning in Adult Second Language Learners: A Review

Jewoong Moon (EPLS)
Categorization of Embodied User Interface in Immersive Virtual Environment

Tatyana Pashnyak (EPLS)
Implementing Team-Based Learning in Healthcare Professional Development Courses

Seyedahmad Rahimi (EPLS) with Valerie J. Shute
Designing the Class as a Game to Promote Active Learning in K-12 Education

Fei Xing (EPLS) with Jeannine Turner
Instructional Strategies to Engage Chinese English Learners in Communicative Language Teaching: A Case Study

Xinhao Xu (EPLS) with Jeeheon Ryu and Fengfeng Ke
A Study on Learners’ Virtual Attention and Learning Effects in an Instructional Setting Featuring a Virtual Character with Body Gestures

Yasin Yalcin (EPLS)
Motivation, Self-regulated Learning, and Sense of Community as Predictors of Learner Satisfaction in Online Courses

Zhongrui Yao (EPLS) with Vanessa Dennen
How an Online Community Promotes Graduate Students’ Professional development

Weinan Zhao (EPLS) with Fabrizio Fornara and Robert A. Reiser
An Online Database to Support Tracking Trends in Instructional Design and Technology

Monday, 3 April 2017

Dr. Klein will serve as a distinguished mentor at the AERA Design and Technology SIG's Mentoring Program

Dr. James Klein has been selected to serve as one of distinguished mentors at the Early Career Mentoring program, AERA 2017. This program will be held during the AERA Annual Meeting scheduled April 27 - May 1 in San Antonio, Texas.

This program aims to strengthen collaboration by pairing doctoral students with senior scholars during the AERA annual meeting. This program will help participants to capture and understand important research in our field as well as what it means to advance a body of knowledge.

If selected, you will be assigned to a mentor and shadow that person for half a day (e.g., attedning sessions and joining meetings) at any of the annual meeting days mutually agreeable between the mentor and mentees. This shadowing experience will culminate with a lunch/dinner (sponsored by the SIG).

Eligibility criteria for mentees include:
  • a member of Design and Technology SIG (membership not required at time of application, only if selected) 
  • planning to attend the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting 
  • a doctoral student in the field of design and technology or related field 
  • pre-candidacy (taking coursework) 
  • Has identified a specific research interest 
Apply to this Early Career Mentoring program at AERA 2017.

Click here to submit an application (Due April 9th, 2017)

Thursday, 30 March 2017

ISSA's Annual Spring Potluck on April 1st 1-3pm

ISSA’s annual Spring Potluck is slated for April 1 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Dr. Val Shute has been kind enough to once again open her house to host this event. We hope that you will be able to join us! As is with potlucks, feel free to bring any food or drink that you would like to share. Here are the details for the event:

  • When: April 1, 2017 
  • Where: Dr. Shute's   
  • Who: ISLT students, alumni, faculty/staff, and any friends or family! 
Please complete this survey to indicate whether or not you will be able to attend:

We hope that you all can join us! If you have any questions about the event or need a ride, please feel free to contact Logan (

We hope to see you there,

The ISSA Board

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Spring Seminar Series: March 31th: Dr. Jonathan Adams on Usable Design

Dear ISLT faculty, students and alumni,

Please mark your calendar: March 31 from 12:00-1:00 pm EST in Morgan Studio, Dr. Jonathan Adams will be giving a lecture on Usable Design. You will explore the basics of Learner Experience design, the user-centered design and testing techniques that are important to this field of work. A group of FSU ISLT students, alumni, and faculty will be gathering in the Morgan Studio to watch this interactive event in person.

Please check the detail about the seminar in the attached flyer, or watch a short animation video about it via the link:

Please RSVP to Zhongrui Yao (, if you are planning on joining us in the Morgan Studio for the ISSA pizza lunch at 11:30 am or for the seminar at 12:00 pm. Any local alumni who wish to attend in person will need to secure a parking pass through Mary Kate ( well in advance of the Friday session.

If you plan on joining us virtually for the session, please click the link below to join the Adobe Connect meeting:

For alumni who will virtually attend the seminar, we recommend you access the following link in advance to test your connection and computer:

If you have questions, please email Zhongrui Yao (

Look forward to seeing you in the upcoming seminar!

Have a great Monday!

The Spring Seminar Committee

Monday, 20 March 2017

RSVP for ASKe'17 (ISLT Conference on April 20 to 21)

Please mark your calendar and save the date to attend the Alumni Student Knowledge Exchange (ASKe’17) on April 20-21, 2017.

RSVP is required by this Friday March 24th if you plan to attend!


  • April 20th (PM): ASKe’17 kicks off with the ISLT award ceremony and reception (Alumni Center) 
  • April 21st: ASKe’17 events including Dr. Marc Rosenberg on Learning and Performance Ecosystems (Stone Building) See Attached Flier for the Complete Schedule of Events.

If you have questions about the conference please contact Yasin Yalcin or Zhongrui Yao

Please contact Mary Kate at if you need a parking pass for April 21.

Dr. Marc Rosenberg will be our Keynote Speaker from 10:30 AM—12:00 PM on April 21. If you plan on joining us virtually for this session, please click the link below to join the Adobe Connect meeting:
Important: For alumni and others who plan to attend Dr. Rosenberg’s session virtually, we recommend you access the following link in advance to test your connection and computer settings:

Here are the top 6 reasons for Alumni to attend ASKe’17:

  1.  Sharpen your knowledge about our field by learning about the latest trends in research and practice 
  2. Give back to the FSU ISLT program by investing in the next generation of students (help them understand what to expect after graduation) 
  3. Learn about how FSU ISLT students are using innovative technology and learning approaches to facilitate learning and performance Reconnect and network with fellow graduates of our program as you walk the halls of the Stone Building 
  4. Learn from our keynote speaker Marc Rosenberg about Learning and Performance Ecosystems
  5. This is a FREE conference! (although we will gladly accept your generous donation if you can give to our student support fund which helps students travel to make presentations at professional conference) 
We hope you can make it!
The ASKe'17 Committee

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

ISSA Learning the basics of tennis and social event, Friday March 3, 2017 @ 5:00pm

ISSA has currently planned two fun opportunities for this week. Each of these opportunities will take place Friday, March 3. We hope that you’ll be able to attend one or both of these events!

1. Learn the basics of tennis @5:00pm: Bobby York, USTA Florida League Coordinator has agreed to come and teach the basics of tennis to those interested in learning. We’ll meet at the tennis courts behind the Stone Building, where we’ll learn the basics. You may want to dress comfortably and wear sneakers. Equipment (if you have a tennis racket, please bring it) and water will be provided!

2. ISSA Social Dinner at Primetime @ ~6:30 – 7:00pm: Following this tennis activity, ISSA will host a social dinner at Primetime, which is located very close by campus. This will be a great opportunity to relax and network with your peers! For directions please check the link below:''/primetime+tallahassee/@30.4486098,-84.3852571,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x88ecf4ffa77ecf37:0x1d806bc03be07802!2m2!1d-84.3152169!2d30.4486285

We hope that you will be able to attend both (or at least one of these events). Please complete the survey below so that we can plan accordingly:

As always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Logan (

We look forward to seeing you,
-The ISSA Board

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Join FSU Libraries for the Social Media and Research Symposium!

Join FSU Libraries for the Social Media and Research Symposium. Learn about social media research conducted by FSU faculty and discover ways to promote your own research using social media. Dr. Vanessa Dennen will also have her presentation titled Ethics and Social Media Research: Examining Private Lives on a Public Stage there. The symposium is open to the FSU community and the public. Click here to register for this event

  • Event Date: 9am - 3pm, Friday, March 3, 2017
  • Event Location: Strozier Library, Bradley Reading Room
  • Event Schedule: Click here to see the event schedule.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

ISLT Event: Walk Talk Hunt, Join Our Scavenger Hunt on FSU Campus

Walk, Talk, and Hunt! A fun physical scientistic activity from ISSA will be held this coming Friday (Feb. 24th from 2 to 4 pm)
Everyone is welcomed to join us. While walking around the campus, we will talk about everything and get to know the giants of our field with a fun scavenger hunt designed by Lukas Liu. Water bottles will be provided.
Hope to see all of you. We will have more fun stuff--stay tuned.
ISSA board members, physical scientistic committee. ‌

Saturday, 18 February 2017

The Spring 2017 ISLT Newsletter Has Arrived!

The Spring 2017 ISLT Newsletter has arrived.

Click here to read:

In this edition:

• A “Slice of Life” in ISLT
• Alumni news
• Faculty accomplishments
• Student accomplishments
• ISSA news
• AERA, AECT, and DigiTech faculty and student presentations

 Wishing our ISLT family a wonderful spring semester and we look forward to your accomplishments in the coming year.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

ISLT Spring Seminar Series: February 24, Sheryl Eliam on Canvas

Please mark your calendar: next Friday, February 24th from 12:00-1:00 pm EST in Morgan Studio, Sheryl Eliam will be giving a lecture, “Canvas is coming! Are you ready?”
A group of FSU ISLT students, alumni, and faculty will be gathering in the Morgan Studio to watch this interactive event in person.

Please check the detail about the seminar in the attached flyer below, or watch a short animation video about it via the link:

Please RSVP to Zhongrui Yao (, if you are planning on joining us in the Morgan Studio for the ISSA pizza lunch at 11:30 am or for the seminar at 12:00 pm. 
Any local alumni who wish to attend in person will need to secure a parking pass through Mary Kate ( well in advance of the Friday session.

If you plan on joining us virtually for the session, please click the link below to join the Adobe Connect meeting:
For alumni and students who will virtually attend the seminar, we recommend you access the following link in advance to test your connection and computer:

If you have questions, please email Zhongrui Yao (

Look forward to seeing you in the upcoming seminar!

The Spring Seminar Committee

Monday, 6 February 2017

Two ISLT students were nominated for a 2016-17 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Two ISLT doctoral students, Michelle Cates and Seyedahmad Rahimi, were nominated for a 2016-17 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
The award recognizes outstanding graduate student teaching assistants for their distinguished contributions to student learning through excellence in instruction. Recipients of the awards are recognized at the annual spring Celebration of Graduate Student Excellence event (Tuesday, April 17, 2017, 3:30-5:00pm at the FSU Alumini Center). Awards will be announced on March 31, 2017.
Click here to learn about the nomination and selection process.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

ISLT Spring Seminar Series Lecture, this Friday

Please mark your calendar: this Friday, January 27th from 12:00-1:00 pm EST in Morgan Studio.
Dr. Sue Ebbers will be our speaker for the first seminar in 2017.

The title of Dr. Ebbers’ seminar is "High-Profile Curriculum Design, Politics and Intrigue: Lessons Learned as Lead Curriculum Designer."

Please check the detail about the seminar in the attached flyer, or watch a short video about it via the link:

Please RSVP to Zhongrui Yao (, if you are planning on joining us in the Morgan Studio for the ISSA pizza lunch at 11:30 am or for the seminar at 12:00 pm.

If you plan on joining us virtually for the session, please click the link below to join the Adobe Connect meeting:

Look forward to seeing you in the upcoming seminar!

Monday, 23 January 2017

Dean Marcy Driscoll will be a keynote speaker of AECT 2017 Convention

Dean Marcy P. Driscoll, Ph.D. has been selected to deliver the opening keynote address at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2017 International Convention, entitled "Leading Learning for Change." The conference will be held November 7 – 11 in Jacksonville, Florida.

Driscoll is a Past President of AECT and a current member of the Design and Development, and Research and Theory divisions of the organization.

Click here (FSUednews) to learn more.

*Note: Important dates & Click here to see the AECT conference plan

  • December 6th, 2016: Proposals open
  • February 6th, 2017: Proposals close
  • November 7th, 8th, and 11th, 2017: Workshop Sessions
  • November 8th to 11th, 2017: Concurrent Sessions, Posters, Panels & Roundtable

Thursday, 12 January 2017

FSU ISLT, Our Online Program is Top Ranked Again!

Image result for fsu campus

Three of Florida State University’s online programs placed in the top 10 and five graduate programs in the top 20, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2017 Best Online Programs.

FSU College of Education’s online graduate program continues to rank among the best in the nation at No. 3. FSU Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies is one of the online programs the college offers.

“The College of Education is committed to providing students with an outstanding educational experience as evidence by our Top 3 ranking.” Said Marcy Driscoll, dean of the College of Education. (from FSU News)

Their assessment of online programs included multiple factors such as student engagement, faculty credentials and training, student services and technology, peer reputation and admissions selectivity.

Click here to see a complete list of the U.S. News & World Report online graduate rankings.
