Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Adobe Captivate Workshop

ISSA Development Workshop Series: Adobe Captivate 101

Dear ISLT Students:

Please mark your calendar: ISSA will facilitate one free workshop to introduce Adobe Captivate and its basic features. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to create a basic lesson with Adobe Captivate. This is one of the ISSA development workshop series. Our next workshop will be about Lectora Online and it will be in late March.

Time: March 2nd from 1:30-3:30 pm EST
Location: TBA
Please register for this workshop ASAP via the link:

Only 15 face-to-face slots are available and we are not steaming this workshop online this time. 

Please bring your own laptop (BYOC) with Captivate installed (optional). If you need a laptop or have any other questions, please contact Kari ( or Lukas ( 

Look forward to seeing you there.

You have a great day!

ISSA Board

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

ISLT Newsletter

Thank you to all of the students, alumni, and the faculty who contributed to this year's ISLT Newsletter. Thank you to Michelle Cates, managing editor, for her time and effort in producing the newsletter.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Articulate Storyline Workshop

Dear ISLT Students:

Please mark your calendar: ISSA will facilitate one free workshop to introduce Articulate Storyline and basic features. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to create a basic lesson with Articulate Storyline.  

Time: Feb 16th from 1:30-3:30 pm EST
Location: TBA

Only 15 face-to-face slots are available and we are not steaming this workshop online this time. 

Note: Please bring your own laptop (BYOC) with storyline installed (optional). If you need a laptop or have any other question, please contact us. Articulate Storyline does not work with Mac. Please bring a PC if possible. If you want to learn about authorware that works on both Mac and PC, we have a Captivate workshop coming up in March.

Look forward to seeing you there.

You have a great day!

ISSA Board

Saturday, 10 February 2018

11th Annual Dean's Symposium

On Monday, February 5th, the College of Education hosted the 11th Annual Dean's Symposium at the FSU Convention Center. The symposium topic this year was Public Scholarship. The presenters shared with us how they have conducted research with community partners and used their research to make a difference in people’s lives.

One presentation focused on The SHED - Center for Sport, Health, & Equitable Development

Dr. Brad Cox, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Florida State University delivered a great TED-style talk on autism and his work with College Autism Network 

Dr. Dave Gussak, Chair and Professor of Art Therapy at Florida State University, delivered a keynote presentation titled “Creativity Heals in an Uncreative Place: Art and Art Therapy in Prison.”

Several ISLT program students volunteered at the event. We enjoyed learning from the presenters, and meeting new people.