Monday, 5 October 2015

ISSA PD Series - Dr. John Keller: ARCS-V Model - Oct 9, 12pm

Dear ISLT family,

This Friday, October 9th, is the second of the ISSA professional development talks for this Fall. We are honored to host Dr. John Keller, Professor Emeritus at FSU. His talk, "Stimulating Learner Motivation: ARCS-V Model Characteristics, Applications, and Example", will take place at 12pm in room G152, Stone Building, ground floor.

If you cannot attend in person, you can watch the live broadcast of the session at this link: 

Here is the abstract of Dr. Keller’s presentation:

Educational goals and objectives can range from a specific requirement to recall detailed information to the formulation of abstract conceptualizations resulting from one's own interpretation of the phenomena under study. The ability to create instruction with such wide ranging goals is facilitated by the use of the systematic instructional design process which has been formalized and validated repeatedly for many years. However, this process is not sufficient for creating optimal learning environments because learner motivation is an important component of the learning process and it is not adequately addressed in the traditional instructional system design process. This presentation will describe how both instructional and motivational design play a role in the creation of effective and appealing learning environments and will then focus on the model formerly known as ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) which has recently been expanded to include the concept of volition; hence, ARCS-V model. Furthermore, it is important to realize that the motivation of teachers and designers is closely linked to student motivation and the motivational requirements of both teachers and students must be taken into consideration in this design process. This process is illustrated in a case example of motivational design.

We hope to see you there – or online,

The ISSA Team – Fabrizio, Jiyae, Kevin, Ray, Devin, Xinhao, Zhaihuan

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