Sunday, 25 November 2018

2018 Fall ISLT Newsletter

The most recent ISLT Newsletter has been released!!!

Inside the newsletter, you will find the following:
  • News: Program Coordinator, Alumni, Faculty, Student, ISSA
  • Interview: Dr. Driscoll
  • Conferences
  • How to Keep in Touch
  • Giving Online
 A huge thank you to Michelle Cates and Dr. Klein for their hard work creating the newsletter!

View the newsletter online.
Download the newsletter.

2018 Fall ISLT Newsletter

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Hot off the Press!!! Announcing a NEW Learning Design and Performance Technology Online Ed.D!!!

NEW Learning Design and Performance Technology Online Ed.D.

Florida State University's (FSU) College of Education (COE) is introducing a new degree to the Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT) Program to our program offerings!

Now, the ISLT program offers:
  • Graduate Certificates
    •  Human Performance Technology (HPT)
    •  Online Instructional Development (OID)
  • Master of Science (online and on-campus) - Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT)
  • Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) - Learning Design & Performance Technology

Apply Today

The window has just opened to start accepting applications for Summer 2019!
  • February 1, 2019: Priority consideration
  • March 1, 2019: Secondary consideration
  • Apply here at the FSU Admissions website

Want More Information?

  • Website: For more information, visit us at the Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies website for more information. 
  • OLC Accelerate Conference: If you happen to be in Orlando for the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Conference from November 14-16, please stop by Booth 111 to meet us in person and ask any questions you may have.
  • Program Contact: Mary Kate McKee, Academic Program Specialist 
    • Phone: 850-644-8792
    • Email:

Friday, 28 September 2018

2018 Fall ISLT Potluck

2018 Fall ISLT Potluck

The ISSA team hosted an ISLT potluck dinner for students, faculty, friends, and family. We had a good turnout and looking forward to the next one! 

Monday, 18 June 2018

FSU 2018 ISLT Graduates: Where They Are Now?

2018 ISLT PhD and Master's Graduates: Where are they now?

Dr. Jenay Sermon
I am accepting a post doctoral research position on a NSF grant funded project where i will be further developing, implementing, and measuring the impacts of learning systems for undergraduate students’ success in STEM. The position is located at a historically Black university, targeted at students traditionally underrepresented in STEM degree completion and career trajectory.

Dr. Logan Arrington 
I have accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at the University of West Georgia (my undergraduate alma mater) in Carrollton, Georgia. The appointment is in the College of Education’s Department of Educational Technology and Foundations. I’m thankful for the great friendships I’ve made and wonderful opportunities I’ve had while a student in this program. I am looking forward to participating in my new role (an alumnus) in our awesome FSU ISLT community.

Dr. Yujia Huang
I accepted an offer as an instructional designer at North Carolina Judicial Branch.


Samuel Brewer

Currently working at the Department of Juvenile Justice designing and developing training for the Juvenile Probation and Detention Officers.

Syclair Jones
This past semester I completed an internship in Buffalo, New York as a Learning and Development intern. I recently landed a job as a Learning Experience Designer for an organization called Ultimate Software in Atlanta, Georgia! The job is part-time so I will be pursuing additional project and contract work in instructional design and performance improvement. I am so grateful for the amazing foundation the ISLT Program has given me in the principles of instructional design and human performance improvement.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

2018 Spring Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT) Graduates

Doctor of Philosophy With Major In Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies

Thomas Logan Arrington

B.A. University of West Georgia
M.Ed. University of West Georgia
Major Professor: Dr. Auberteen Darabi

"Productive Failure: Examining the Impact of Need for Cognition and Cognitive Flexibility on Conceptual Learning in Chemistry"

Fabrizio Fornara

B.A. Universita degli Studi di Milano
M.A. Universitat de Barcelona
Major Professor: Dr. Vanessa P. Dennen

"Instagram for the Development of Foreign Language Students' Intercultural Competence"

Yujia Huang

B.A. Tianjin Foreign Studies University
M.A. Zhejiang University
Major Professor: Dr. Valerie J. Shute

"Effects of Annotation Sharing and Guided Annotation Strategies on Second Language Reading"

Nurullizam Jamiat

B.S. Universiti Sains Malaysia
M.S. Universiti Sains Malaysia
Major Professor: Dr. James Klein

"Designing Problem Based Learning for Teachers in Malaysia: A Study of the Nine-Step Problem Design Process"

Taehyeong Lim

B.A. Chonnam National Unversity
M.Ed. Chonnam National University
Major Professor: Dr. Vanessa P. Dennen

"Featured Student Profiles: An Instructional Blogging Strategy to Provide Student Interactions in Online Courses"

Jenay R. Sermon

B.S. Spelman University
M.S. Florida State University

"Moving Metacognition Beyond Curriculum and Into Culture: Improving Marginalized Students' Agency Through Motivation-Infused Metacognitive Regulation Training"

Master of Science With Major In Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies

Samuel Bernard Brewer
Jenna Corinne Downing
Na'Imah H. Ford
Syclair Lorie Jones
Nicole Eva Kim
Jerome Joshua Lim
Kelli-Anne Elise Longfellow
Knox Tyler Mallette
Jeffrey B. Phillips
Alvin Chee Weng Quek
Joshua Joel Sandosham
Alexis Schulman

Monday, 30 April 2018

Classroom-based Space Flight Simulator Best in Show Award by ISLT Doctoral Student

Florida State University Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT) doctoral student, Peter Carafano, won Best in Show for Innovation for his space flight simulator at DIGITECH for his Classroom-based Space Flight Simulator.

Friday, 27 April 2018

2018 Alumni-Student Knowledge exchange (ASKe) Awards Banquet

Thursday, April 19th and Friday, April 20th, the Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies (ISLT) program at Florida State University (FSU) hosted the 2018 Alumni-Student Knowledge exchange (ASKe).

This is the event of the year that faculty, staff, students, and alumni all look forward to each year. It allows both Master's and Doctoral students to connect with alumni and learn from one another. This is one of the many features that makes the ISLT program so unique.

Thursday evening, students, alumni, and faculty met at the FSU Alumni Center for some hors d'oeuvres, drinks, socializing, and an awards ceremony.

Gagne Briggs Outstanding Doctoral Student Award 


Taehyeong Lim
Yasin Yalcin
Weinan Zhao


Yasin Yalcin

Liliana Muhlman Masoner Outstanding International Student Award 


Taehyeong Lim
Jewoong Moon
SeyedAhmad Rahimi


Taehyeong Lim

Gagne Briggs Outstanding Masters Student Award 


Curt Fulwider
Jeffrey Phillips
Brandon Schumann
Rebecca Simms


Jeffrey Phillips

Gagne Briggs Outstanding Distance Student Award 


Trisha Bennett
David Servello


Trisha Bennett

Gagne Briggs Outstanding Student Service Award 


Zhichun Liu

Ruby Diamond Future Professor Award 


Hajeen Choi
Jewoong Moon
SeyedAhmad Rahimi
Ginny Smith


SeyedAhmad Rahimi
Ginny Smith

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Article Published by Dr. Klein

Applying the First Principles of Instruction in a short-term, high volume, rapid production of online professional development modules

Journal: Journal of Computing in Higher Education

Citation: Klein, J.D. & Mendenhall, A. J Comput High Educ (2018) 30: 93.

Article Published by Dr. Dennen and Jiyae Bong

Cross-cultural Dialogues in an Open Online Course: Navigating National and Organizational Cultural Differences

Journal: TechTrends

Citation: Dennen, V.P. & Bong, J. TechTrends (2018).

Click here to view more information.

Monday, 23 April 2018

FSU Moves Up In Best Graduate Schools

Exciting news for Florida State University's graduate programs!!! FSU's College of Education Graduate schools move up 6 spots from No. 46 to No. 35 nationally among public universities.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

A Day in the life of ISLT Student, Ray

Whether you are a faculty member, a new student, or a prospective student, you may be curious what a typical day is like in the life of a full-time PhD student in the Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT) program at Florida State University (FSU). 

Ray offered to allow us to follow her around campus one day and capture a typical day in her life on campus. Ray moved here from China and started her doctoral program in the Fall of 2013. She hopes to complete her doctoral studies and dissertation by the Spring of 2019 and hopes she can stay in the US and become a professor at a University or Community College. 

Ray just successfully defended her prospectus. The prospectus is the first three chapters of the dissertation which include the introduction, the literature review, and the methods section. Now she needs to collect the data, analyze the data, then write the result, discussion, and conclusion sections, as well as defend her dissertation.  

Each day, Ray wakes up and heads into her office area on campus to work on her dissertation. She always starts off the morning with breakfast and tea. 

You will usually find Ray reading articles found online for her dissertation or hardback cover books for classes she is currently taking.

After some time, Ray usually has the urge to get out and take a walk. She stresses the importance of  taking time away from her studies to stop and smell the roses 

She gathered some great ideas to continue working on her dissertation while thinking on her walk, so she headed back to the Stone Building, where the College of Education and the Instructional Systems Technology program is located, to continue typing away for a few hours. 

For lunch she went to the Seminole Cafe right around the corner from her building. 


She then decided to keep reading her book for a class she had the next day. She walked around outdoors until she found a nice bench in the sun to sit down and continue her book. 


After lunch and catching some rays, she went back to her desk again to continue working on her dissertation. 

She came to a road block and needed to step outside and listen to some music. Her favorite song is "Losing My Mind" by Charlie Puth, hence what she was listening to at the time of this picture.

As she got on the elevator to head back to her desk, she noticed a flyer in the elevator advertisting for an event the next weekend. She explains that there are always events going on around campus and lots of things to keep you active if you would like. 


After several more hours of working at her desk, it was time to get out again. She decided to sit outside in the sun for a few minutes to make a phone call then she headed to the gym for a swim where she ended her day on campus. 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

2018 ASKe Agenda

Below is the agenda for the 2018 Alumni Student Knowledge Exchange (ASKe) conference. The event will be held in the Stone Building at Florida State University at the College of Education starting Thursday evening 4/19/18 and running throughout the day Friday 4/20/18.

Hope to see you there!

Click on the image in order to view it full screen.

CORE’s 2018 Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference

Instructional Systems and Learning Technology (ISLT) Presenters

The 2018 Marvalene Hughes Council on Research in Education (CORE) was hosted at the Florida State University College of Education on Friday, April 23, 2018. The following are some of the conference presenters from the Instructional Systems and Learning Technology (ISLT) program.

For more information on the Council on Research in Education (CORE), visit:

Peter Carafano
Modeling Group Problem Solving Using a Classroom Based Space Flight Simulator

James Klein
Informal Learning in the Workplace: A Study of Instructional Design Professionals
Dr. James Klein pictured with Dr. Stacey Rutledge after the presentation

Logan Arrington
When is "Productive Failure" Most Productive? A Meta-analysis

Jiyae Bong
Featured Student Profiles: An Instructional Blogging Strategy to Enhance Student's Peer Awareness and Interaction in a Blog-integrated Blended Classroom

Hajeen Choi
A Review of Computer-mediated Collaborative Writing for L2 Students

Fabrizio Fornara
Developing Students' Intercultural Awareness of Products, Practices, and Perspectives through Instagram

Xi Lu
Evaluating Instructional Strategies in Second Life: Implications for Design

Jewoong Moon
Virtual-reality Based Role-playing and Design on Social Interaction Skills Development of Children with High-functioning Autism

Seyedahmad Rahimi
The Effectiveness of Digital Games on Problem-solving Skills in Elementary and Secondary Education: A Meta-analysis

Jenay Sermon
Black Males Using Cultural Wealth as Metacognitive Success Strategies in Community Colleges: A Case Study